Sorry I'm not keeping up with the blog as much as I'd like to. We've been so busy around the house lately. We've been working...
In the garden:
Weeded strawberry patch and blueberry beds
Built door and finished reinforcing fencing around garden area
Spread finished compost out
Turned over compost pile that's still decomposing
Tilled up the most necessary parts of the garden BY HAND and yes, I am sore
Planted potatoes, onions, garlic, spinach, carrots
Reinforced the garden door after something got in the garden and ate half my spinach
Harvested ONE asparagus spear
In the barn:
Transferred chickens out of house and into coop
Built a second roost for the birds
Reinforced coop fencing (after Sam notified us that three hens had squeezed out!)
In the yard:
Removed dead trees from property
Taught the children, "If you see a wasp or bee, get away from it!"
Actually said out loud, "Don't run with that stick, you'll put your eye out!"
In the kitchen:
Made homemade yogurt from raw milk
Succeeded in keeping a sourdough starter alive
Made sourdough pancakes for the first time
In the home:
Switched Andrew over to cloth diapers
Gotten used to hanging clothes on the line (I haven't used the dryer in weeks!)
Not a day goes by where I don't think, "I ought to do a blog post about that," but to actually take time to sit down and type out my thoughts is easier said than done. At the end of the day I am happy about all that we've been able to accomplish, but I am so tired. To me, it seems that doing work around this property is tiring. However, doing the work around this property while LEARNING what to do and how to do it is just plain exhausting. I have to ask for advice on when to move chicks into the coop before actually moving them. I have to look up the proper spacing and plant depth for potatoes. Shawn and I had to discuss exactly where to cut our seed potatoes so that we have the appropriate number of eyes on each. So, even though I'd still be physically tired at the end of the day from all the work, the mental exhaustion is what's more overwhelming. I feel like there's 2000 things I need to be doing and I'm virtually clueless on where to start. I'm not even venturing into the food-related research that I'm constantly doing. Trying to figure out any common links between environmental factors and Sam's autistic behaviors is a whole other stress that's constant.
Ok, enough of Janice's pity party. I still have pictures on the camera that need to be posted. I have posts planned on: more seasonal changes around the property, updates on the chicks' growth, a fun picnic we had at the park with friends, things Shawn and I want to ensure our children are taught...
Just bear with me please. I'll get to them eventually.
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